Usbekistan: Nach elf Jahren ungerechtfertigter Haft Erkin Moussaïev ist endlich frei

Der ehemalige Uno-Beamte Erkin Moussaïev wurde von usbekischen Behörden gefoltert und ungerechtfertigterweise inhaftiert. Mitte August wurde er vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen. Nun schrieb er Amnesty International einen Dankesbrief.

2007 wurde Erkin Moussaïev zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Die Anklage lautete auf Spionage und Unterschlagung von Uno-Geldern. Seine Verurteilung basierte auf einem Geständnis, zu dem er gezwungen wurde, nachdem der Geheimdienst seine Familie bedroht hatte.

Anlässlich des Briefmarathons von 2014 schrieben Tausende von AktivistInnen von Amnesty International einen Brief, in welchem sie die Freilassung von Erkin Moussaïev forderten.

Dankesbrief von Erkin Moussaïev an Amnesty International

«I want to express my great gratitude to all Amnesty International activists, as well as to all those who supported me and my family in a difficult time. My release is a great victory indeed, and your contribution to it is invaluable.

I would like to note that after the letters of support from the activists, the attitude of the administration of the penal colony to me changed. The staff of the colony began to treat me with more caution, and I was transferred to easier work.

My father said that after the Amnesty International’s campaign, the attitude of the international community to my case also changed. Again, I am very grateful to you and to all activists of your organisation.

I want to add that this is the beginning of the victory, as [this campaign] instilled a spirit of hope and struggle in others shamefully condemned and their families. Many people in the zone [penal colony] also witnessed our struggle. You gave hope to the souls of these people. In fact, this is not only my victory, but also the victory of all those who have been shamefully condemned.

Many people in the zone [penal colony] also witnessed our struggle. You gave hope to the souls of these people

Thank you very much for everything you did for me.»
